Food allergies are growing around the globe. It was known from ancient times that food can cause some reactions including death. Descriptions of swelling, rashes, red eyes, runny noses, and shortness of breath are described in ancient historic documents from Ancient China, Rome and Greece. Even Hippocrates himself was credited to be one of the …
5 Amazing New Food Allergy Travel Innovations
There may be no cure for food allergies, but since my diagnosis in 1993, there have been some incredible new breakthroughs, food allergy tool and breakthroughs.
28 Surprising Food Allergy Families
Pea and lentils are more related to peanuts than tree nuts are. After a recent hospital trip over lentils, I created this list of all food allergy families including beans, birch, mustard, mint,
Flying with Food Allergies
Anyone reading my posts between 2015 to today will notice how my initial paranoia has transformed into extreme paranoia based on experiences I have had or seen. We now only book flights on peanut-free airlines and we have stopped checking bags (merely for maximum efficiency) which lends to the following 3 bag set up. In …
Quick Plant-Based recipes for people with Peanut Allergies
According to recent studies, it is estimated that there are nearly 79 million vegans worldwide in 2021. Veganism is a new diet trend that is proving to be environmentally friendly and it has many health benefits, some of which: low blood sugar, lower cancer risk, and lower risk of heart disease. Also, the number of …
Visiting Bali with a Peanut Allergy (Food List)
Bali has seen many, many changes since we were there in 2016 so in republishing this post, I want to make it clear that these particular restaurants might have changed. That said, my contacts and my allergy notes have not, so please feel free to reach out before you visit. Bali was one of those …